It was something of a temperature shock. Durban in December at 30C to Tandragee, Co. Armagh where the temperatures dipped to a record low of -18.7C. At first I just felt cold, but when I realized that the freezer cabinet is set at -7C, this brought about a whole new perspective on degrees of frost. It was enough to make breathing a chore after only a short while outside. For a start the roads developed a two inch thick patina of ice, making them impassable on normal road tyres. Then the diesel froze in the fuel line which meant that I was left stranded on a hill about a mile from home after dropping the children to school. I had to walk to a farming neighbour and get him to tow the car home with his tractor!
On the plus side, the extreme frost resulted in a beautiful landscape and some stunning winter wonderland scenery. I wandered around with a little digital camera and took some pictures for the record.
This was the field next to the house. The cow didn't look at all warm. But the ice-etched trees against the clear blue sky were amazing.
Another perspective on the field
Here is Alex's snowman ...

Cars with no place to go
A spider's web bejewelled with ice

The front garden in a snow blanket
A leafless oak tree shows off Jack Frost's handiwork

The garden gate looking very Christmas-like
Our personal ice rink, the lane outside the house